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What is the smartest thing to do before starting a business in Nigeria?

Dave Ebi • Jun 12, 2018

Business Startup - 3 Cardinal Success Factors


Good question. However, the answer is not so straightforward.

I guess the best summary I can suggest is Do Your Homework . This will help you develop a good understanding of what you are getting into. Above all, make sure you plan to provide a service or product that people really need. And Have an Exit Strategy . Business success in not wishful thinking. If you don’t have a detailed plan to succeed then you have inevitably planned to fail.

There are several business ideas that you can invest in Nigeria but which of them really suits you. Doing your homework will help you identify your best options.

Even after doing the smartest thing in business, you’ll still face the difficulty and risk of unforeseen circumstances. Some of them will be man-made, others will be consequence of natural events. That’s why the answer to your question is not so straight forward.

Success doesn't just happen. It is the outcome of a process driven by 3 key factors

  1. Belief - passion, interest strong persuasion and desire to succeed, etc.
  2. Be Hardworking - doing all you must to succeed, getting better at being efficient and effective, learning; and developing new skills to do things better, in the process. This results in innovation, satisfied customers and profitability, etc.
  3. Be Dedicated - strong focus on your dream, refusal to quit or be distracted especially in difficult times (a good business plan is useful is such situations) providing the best possible quality to stand out from the rest. Continuous affirmation to yourself of your strong desire to make it. Reaffirmation of your belief in yourself, your dreams and need to be diligent.

It is said that when preparedness meets opportunity, then success is inevitable. My boss and mentor says it differently - when expectation and preparedness meet opportunity, then success is inevitable. He says the difference is that you must expect to succeed. Its expectation that gives character and substance to the above factors.

This is the summary of my experience with HetoGrow solar power bank. When we started in Nigeria, the plan looked good and the future seemed bright. But new government came in and unfortunately, their policies have made things exceptionally difficult in Nigeria, with adverse impact on lots of businesses; many of which have closed down. Yet, many others have been very successful. We are still in business because of Belief, Hard-work and Dedication. Belief that Nigeria is full of opportunities and still remains a viable market to invest in. We are determined to provide good quality products that are relevant for the country and we continue to work to achieve the desired level of success despite the challenges.

In conclusion, I think you will agree that the outcome of doing your homework is being prepared and ready. For avoidance of doubt, by this I mean doing your research, writing a detailed business plan, demonstrating excellent understanding of your market and having an exit strategy. I think that’s the smartest thing to do. Do you agree?

Let me add a quick twist to your question. The flip side of it is, what’s the smartest thing to do when you make it ? I suggest a double-barrelled answer

  1. Sustain your success. Don’t blow it.
  2. Look for someone to help and mentor. Notice the verb - look. It is an action word that suggests a deliberate and thoughtfully executed action. My point is, don’t just help anyone you feel like or that asks for your help. That will be a waste or inefficient use of the resource(s) extended. Help someone that DESERVES to be helped. The verb - Deserve, is the reason why the word Look, is cardinal. If done correctly and successfully, your success will be repeated several times over. And that’s when you’re really successful.

Imagine how great Nigeria will really be if a truly remarkable success story is repeated over and over again by different people. We must stop building strong individuals. Let us put an end to corruption and focus on building strong institutions, strong communities and a very strong society for everyone. That is the real smart thing to do. I trust you agree!

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